The state has seen more people leave than move in from other states for much of the last three decades.' For 40 years, this victim of rape and murder had no name genetic genealogy gave it back Soumya Karlamangla and Thomas Curwen report that 'a major force in California’s declining population has been the exodus to other states. Nearly 200,000 people left the Golden State last year, 'marking the first population decline ever recorded in the state and underscoring larger trends that recently led to the loss of a Congressional seat,' according to the Los Angeles Times. Here's some more news you may want to know ahead of the weekend: California's population falls for first time ever Have a friend who wants California news delivered to their inbox? Let them know they can sign up via this link. “It's been ground zero for them for forever.” Local gay men treat this as their living room,” said David Farnsworth, the co-owner and general manager of nearby Streetbar. Some started GoFundMe pages for Arenas bars.
Customers sat in outdoor patios in 120-degree heat when they could have stayed home. Giesecke partially credits his business’ survival to the tight-knit community that came together and “formed ranks” around the historic street.